
Ads help us pay the bills! Rather than to require a subscription fee or solicit donations, we choose to offer all of our great content free of charge to you, our valued user. Our accounts are primarily supported by the advertising you see along the border of your screen. With the proceeds we receive from our sponsors, we can continue to offer great service, and reliabled applications and features at no cost to you. strives to uphold community standards when selecting advertisements and we take consideration that our ads are not intrusive to your content.

It is NOT spam!

The ads are not installed in you computer. They are requested and displayed by the extension. If you turn off the extension, the ads will go away.

Here are a few of the sites that you may see our ads on:

If I don't like it, is it easy to uninstall?

Yes, we strive to make uninstalling AllCursors as easy as possible (we hate annoying un-installers as much as you do). If you don't like AllCursors (but we're sure you will!), you can uninstall with no trace left behind. In order to do this, please follow these steps:

Need More Help?

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